Our Services

CCTV Systems

Having your workplace, construction site or home constantly monitored provides that extra level of security as well as piece of mind. Close Circuit Television systems (CCTV) have been a popular solution for many years. Today, technology has advanced and the best systems can record high quality images that can be remotely monitored.

Ranging from single camera installations through to complex town centre networks, Cornerstone will advise on the best option for your security requirements and your budget.

We’ll oversee everything from sourcing the right products to full installation, and our expert engineers will work out where to place your cameras to ensure optimum coverage.

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Our Services

IP Cameras

An Internet protocol camera, or IP camera, is a type of digital video camera commonly employed for surveillance, and which unlike analog closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras can send and receive data via a computer network and the Internet. Although most cameras that do this are webcams, the term “IP camera” or “netcam” is usually applied only to those used for surveillance.

IP (Internet Protocol) CCTV systems are gaining in popularity because of the advantages they offer over their analogue equivalents.

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Our Services

Construction Site Security

A construction site or any new development contains much that is valuable and is an attractive prospect for criminals. So you’ll want a reliable security system that protects all your plant, equipment and materials, ideally without costing too much money. The Construction Site CCTV Solution – supplied by Cornerstone Leisure Ltd. – is perfect for this purpose.

With this system, your site is fully covered by Digital HD networkable CCTV and, outside of normal working hours, is monitored from a remote operating station. When any activity is detected, a trained operator will issue a live audio warning to establish whether there are trespassers or intruders on site, and then immediately alert police or mobile security patrols.

It’s more reliable and up to 70% cheaper than a full-time security guard. After all, it’s always alert, awake and available!

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Our Services

Intruder Alarms

A highly visible alarm system is integral to the security of any home or business. Such a system can be a deterrent to any criminal on the prowl or act as an effective way of alerting you to the presence of unwanted visitors.

With a huge range of products on offer, however, you may be at a loss as to which system is right for you. No problem.

At Cornerstone, we know exactly what will work for your specific situation and your budget. We’ll source products from trusted manufacturers and install an alarm system that has you covered 24 hours a day. Some of our high-end systems feature wireless technology while others are monitored alarms with a direct police response facility.

When you have an alarm system designed and installed by Cornerstone, you can be confident that your home or business has the best security coverage possible. We also offer an attractive maintenance package to keep your alarm in peak condition and ensure its effectiveness.

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Our Services

Access Control

Preventing unauthorised access to your premises is probably one of the biggest security considerations you will encounter. While traditional alarm and CCTV monitoring systems do a good job of alerting you to intruders, the variety of access control systems available – from card entry to the latest eye-recognition technology – not only ensure authorised persons can access your premises but can help you gather valuable data regarding personnel, visitors and business assets.

Cornerstone Leisure Ltd. supply and install intelligent access control systems with a range of features to suit your needs and your budget. You can choose from a variety of systems:

• Stand alone
• Online networked
• Multi-site

We’ll advise you on the most suitable access control products on the market and our highly experienced engineers will make sure your system is installed with complete efficiency.

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Our Services

Anti-Social Behaviour

We install bespoke covert camera systems specifically designed for each situation. We can create a network of cameras to cover a target area such as communal social housing areas (internal and external) and our systems fit into riser cupboards, lights, lifts, virtually any housing we can access. Our covert cameras are so small they fit inside a screw head. Antisocial behaviour is on the increase and communities and individuals are becoming less tolerant of such nuisance, interfering and threatening behaviour.

Cornerstone Security regularly install a wide range of covert recording units which capture the essential video footage of:

• Nuisance behaviour in Anti Social Behaviour cases
• Individuals using a property in Unlawful Subletting
• The traffic of ‘visitors’ in Immoral Use cases
• Fly-tipping vacant property protection

Our bespoke installations can be installed covertly. The cameras are not visible and the target individuals are not made aware that they are being monitored.

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Our Services

Loss Prevention

The retail environment has grown more complex with the emergence of new sales channels and changing customer shopping behaviours. Additionally, the tight global economy has led to significantly reduced operating budgets, forcing retailers to ‘Do more with less!’

The entire retail value chain model is under tremendous strain, which makes loss prevention (LP) and shrinkage a top-level issue for retail executives. In an effort to compensate for the additional strain, companies have turned to loss prevention technologies. Cornerstone Leisure has experience in driving innovation in this field for over twenty years.

Through our ‘Quick Solutions’ loss prevention arm, we have been enabling retail giants like Tesco cut loss prevention through technology. In the current economic climate, there are extra factors to consider apart from the usual big four factors (lack of resources, rise of organised theft, effects of internal theft and lack of visibility in store-level stock shrink), with more people tempted to commit regular theft crimes of opportunity through lack of disposable income and an unrealistic feeling of resentment for not being able to afford the latest gadgets.

Loss prevention technology is becoming more and more important.

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How does remote monitoring work?

State of the art detection and camera systems are strategically located around the site. Images are transmitted from the CCTV cameras on your site to a dedicated CCTV remote monitoring station. Within seconds of system activation, a camera will focus automatically on the cause. Simultaneously the system will transmit real-time images from the camera to the CCTV monitoring centre.

Systems are designed in line with the British Standard for ‘Installation and Remote Monitoring of Detector Activated CCTV Systems’ (BS8418:2010). The Code of Practice developed and ratified by the Association of British Insurers, Metropolitan Police, National Security Inspectorate (NSI) and the Home Office, sets a standard for the design, installation and commissioning of event-triggered remotely monitored CCTV systems.

The use of CCTV to detect crime and enhance public safety has proven successful in many applications and has received overwhelming public support. They have become essential in areas where the security and safety of staff, customers and assets is a concern.

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Talk to us about finance...

Financing your assets makes technology and other equipment more affordable for your company. Even if you have sufficient capital resources, it can often be more beneficial to lease.